I’m Going Back to Cali

I hear you asking, “What?  Really?  You just left.”  True.  But, I’m coming back.

On October 1st, Hear it Direct makes it’s Orange County debut.  How could I miss it in my old neck of the woods?

If you’ve never heard about Hear it Direct, it’s time to get acquainted with this unique conference.  Most of us have attended conference sessions about the latest social media tools, the never-ending syndication debate, or the speculations regarding the future of the brokerage model.

But, when was the last time you heard from the consumer?  Their perspective?  And not the one that loved you, but maybe the one that didn’t choose you, the one that chose to leave your beloved website, chose not to call you, not to hire you.  Why?  What motivates them to hire, to connect, to feel trust?

If you are in Southern California, you have the very fortunate and unique opportunity to hear from the people that you work with everyday.  This is your audience.  We all struggle with where to spend those hard earned marketing dollars.  This is not marketing.  This is your potential client.  Hear their voices, their expectations and you can make decisions in your business that speak to those needs.  Panels will focus on luxury consumers, Gen Y, Buyers and Sellers.

You will be around some of the very best and brightest in the industry.  The discussions that will happen around the content will likely be as valuable, if not more so, than the content itself.  Few things would inspire me to make the trek back to OC only six weeks from my departure, but this is it and I invite you to join me.

I’m including a link (It’s an affiliate link for full disclosure, but don’t be too excited for me.  It may cover one day of a babysitter, if I’m lucky.)  But, the real upside is for you,  a $50 discount code to the event.   Enjoy, and you’re welcome.  ;)

Click Here to Attend

Discount Code for your $50 off:  ’lins’

And if my words have failed to convince you to attend, my friend and the emcee of the day, Jeff Turner, does a much better job of articulating the importance of the event.

And if you’re curious about the look and feel of the Hear it Direct, this peek at the Charleston South Carolina event may give you some insight.  Look forward to seeing many of you there.

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